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Not every battle will result in death. Some fights are easy enough to just leave the sinners bloody and beaten.
As temporary as it all was, the inconvenience of having to heal up without all those advanced technologies was more than a little annoying.
Ryōshū had little problem with it however. She loved the excitement of every battle. Every wound was another step towards artistic clarity.
Cosette, on the other hand, did not have the same sentiment. To her, the battles were unnecessary. To her, the blood meant nothing.
That piqued the artist's interest.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Oi. What are you looking at?
Her fellow sinner had been staring this whole time. Surely because Cosette always dwelled in her own thoughts. That didn't matter to Ryōshū very much—A stare was a stare, intentional or not.
Cosette LCB Sinner
Ah. Sorry.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
No. S.D.
Usual acronyms. Cosette did not have extensive knowledge of them that way Sinclair did, but she knew enough that she should sit next to her.
So she does.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Not a fan of red, are you?
Cosette tilted her head. Unlike the artist, she only suffered a few scratches, though she carried bandages with her anyway.
Cosette LCB Sinner
I's a color I don't mind very much.
Cosette LCB Sinner
That's all.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Hmph. We're different, then.
Someone who saw the beauty in red, and someone who was indifferent to it...
Yes, they were different indeed. Yet they worked together all the same.
Cosette LCB Sinner
Would you like me to help with that...?
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Cosette LCB Sinner
Your casts are getting dirty...
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Very different, where Ryōshū would rather not do anything at all.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
They show an experience I enjoy...Pah! Fine. Make it quick.
A nod, and Cosette gets to work. Removing what was soaking, and replacing them with brand new white. She makes a few remarks, trying to get on Ryōshū's good side.
Cosette LCB Sinner
These scars are plenty.
Cosette LCB Sinner
Does it bring you joy?
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
A mark of battle is one. Many more marks is another.
Cosette LCB Sinner
How interesting. You must get frustrated...every time you come back.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
C.C. It lets me relive the moments all over again.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
I find joy in that cheap thrill, at times. Do you not?
Cosette LCB Sinner
I don't particularly think of it.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
The casting ends at Ryōshū's hands. When Cosette finishes, they do not let go of each other. Red eyes survey these fingers that helped her. They were soft.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
...Wouldn't mind teaching you how to appreciate it someday.
Cosette LCB Sinner
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
The art. Don't make me repeat myself.
Ryōshū LCB Sinner
Someday, I'll open those eyes.
All Cosette could think was, "How can she possibly be so nonchalant with her words?"
Though she knew Ryōshū rarely showed true interest in people. So it was both an honor and a curse to be able to talk with her this much.
Having that in mind, she could only smile and nod at that empty promise.